Sunday, 6 November 2011

Destiny takes the wheel.

I returned from my 4 month trip driving my Land Rover around Oz on the 26th of October and two days later, on the 28th I went to work to beg for my (bus driver) job back.
After a bit of contrition and putting in one's place, mine & theirs respectively, I was told that I would be returning to work the following week.
In a relieved and relaxed mood, I exited the building only to bump into an old friend that I hadn't seen for over a year. He invited me for a pint of Guiness to celebrate my return from exile.

Several hours and many pints later, I was sitting in my car and looking at flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. After the usual horrors of being tested, arrested and officially molested, I was told to appear in court on the 23rd of December, after which I would not be driving shit.
I haven't told them at the bus depot and have been working every shift going.
I may as well earn what I can whilst I still have a license.

My options for 2012 are:
#1 - to sit through 7 or 8 months of driver's license suspension with almost no prospect of getting another job, or
#2 - fucking off overseas.

I am going with Option #2, run away.

Since I won't be needing my car for most of 2012, I am going to fix it up, sell it and use the money to go to South America, or perhapse South East Asia.

I shall NOT be put in my place, even when I am to blame. God Damn 'The MAN'!!!